Laser Acne Treatment - How To Get Rid Of Acne

Is laser acne treatment the best acne treatment for you? Are you one of the many people who wonder how to get rid of acne but who can’t seem to get any relief from severe, chronic acne? Has your dermatologist not been able to help you? Have the latest products you’ve seen advertised on TV and in magazines not been able to “cure ” your acne? Then laser acne treatments might be just the thing you’re looking for.

How does laser acne treatment work? Well, to put it in the simplest terms possible, laser treatment for acne uses cutting edge laser technology to basically vaporize your acne. Does acne laser skin treatment work? While it is one of the best acne treatments today it is not 100% effective for all people, and while a few need more than one acne scar laser treatment to see results, for most people one acne blemish laser treatment completely gets rid of their acne.

How long does the acne scar laser treatment procedure take? Well, in most cases it takes just about an hour. The laser acne treatment procedure is performed right in your dermatologist’s office and no hospitalization is involved. In fact, there is only a minimal amount of pain and discomfort associated with laser scar removal and in most cases you can resume your normal activities right away.

Don’t make the mistake of not considering laser acne treatment because someone you know may have had a bad experience with it. Results of acne laser skin treatment vary from person to person and from case to case. Just because one person did not experience the desired results with laser treatment for acne doesn’t mean you won’t. It is more than likely that your acne scars will be able to be completely removed and that your laser acne treatment will achieve excellent results.

In the end the decision whether or not to undergo laser acne treatment will have to be made in consultation with your doctor. Laser acne treatments are not usually the first choice when it comes to acne treatment, so your doctor can advise you on other options that you have and help you decide on the best acne treatment.

Acne Scar Treatment

The first step in treating acne scars is to stop the formation of new acne. From there, acne scar treatments should be customized depending on the characteristics of your skin and scars.

  • For a few small, shallow acne scars, less aggressive treatment that involves concealing your acne scars with an injectable filler may be in order.

  • A large number of deep acne scars is more likely to require surgical excision combined with a series of dermabrasion treatments or aggressive laser peels.

Before deciding on an acne scar treatment, consult a board certified doctor to determine what's best for your specific situation and set realistic expectations for what you can achieve. In many cases, acne scars cannot be completely removed, only improved.

What is Fraxel?

Fraxel involves the use of the latest in skin care laser technology to purposefully stimulate the body’s own restorative processes by controlled damage done to the skin. Reaching deep into the skin’s second layer, the dermis, Fraxel helps to stimulate the body’s restorative abilities and thus new collagen and skin is formed. Older skin that is damaged is removed from beneath the epidermal layer, the outermost area of skin. The process of controlled skin damage in small areas which are separated by healthy skin allows for minimal healing time and highly effective skin rejuvenation.